Volunteer Coordinator Job Descriptions
If you are interested in learning more about any of the volunteer coordinator jobs listed below, please contact calabashptopresident@gmail.com. Interested in helping out, but not in a coordinator capacity? We’d love that too! Please email us your interests and availability.
Event Name & Volunteer Job Description
Family Events - Family Night, Mother/Son, Mother/Daughter,
Father/Son, Father/Daughter
Help with planning, ticket sales, promotion, set up, service and clean-up at event.
Online Auction
Secure items for the auction by soliciting vendors, amusement parks, movie theaters, restaurants, etc. for donations. Publicize event and pick up and help distribute winning items. Help run Calabash exclusive events (Teacher for the Day, PE Coach for the Day, etc).
Promote event and manage roster of families volunteering to participate & decorate cars, and oversee candy purchases for the event.
Trunk or Treat
Spring Carnival
Plan food, drinks, activities and game booths for the school event and coordinate ticket sales.
Each classroom is responsible for a game booth.
Organize luncheon for all teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Event Name & Volunteer Job Description
Enrichment Coordinator
Manage relationships with after-school providers and communicate registration/class information to parents (flyers & email)
Incoming Kinder Playdate Coordinator
Provide flyers to office to include in registration packets, track all respondents, communicate playdate schedule and attend all events
Movie Night Coordinator
Setting up the quad for the event and working concession stands selling food, drinks & glow items.
Newsletter Advertising Coordinator
Promote advertising opportunity and ensure editor includes any purchased ad space in newsletter
Restaurant Nights
Contact local restaurants to organize monthly dates, communicate to parents & collect proceeds.
Room Parent
Assist and support your child’s teacher. Act as liaison and information source between PTO and the families
from your class. Complete job description can be found in the Room Parent Handbook and on the PTO website.
Safety Valet Coordinator
Oversee the coordination and operation of our Safety Valet program, including recruiting and supporting volunteers.
Website Administrator
Update website with current school & PTO information.
Taking photos at school events & uploading to TreeRing site, communicating ordering process, creating book
pages and organizing the sale of “love notes” and “love lines.”